Novice industrije

Kako izbrati primerno PVC cev

Kako izbrati primernoPVC cev

1. When we buy it in the store, we can check whether its color is uniform, whether the surface is smooth and comfortable, whether its cross-section is honeycomb-like, and whether there are local undulations and height differences. if we bend it by hand, It is not easy to deform and is elastic; when the surface is tapped with a hand, the sound is crisp, which means that the material of this pvc plastic hose has strong toughness and good quality, while the inferior pvc plastic hose is very brittle, even if it is lightly broken. Cracked.

2. Drugič, lahko ga od blizu povohamo, da vidimo, ali ima kakšen oster vonj. Če zavohate oster vonj, to pomeni, da je plastična cev iz PVC slaba in je večinoma izdelana iz slabših materialov. Priporočite vsem za nakup. Da bi zagotovili varstvo okolja in trajnost pvc plastičnih cevi, je priporočljivo, da greste za nakup na lokalno veliko tržnico gradbenih materialov ali v redne specializirane trgovine.
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